Go Online - Super Easy
Konoom’s core engine provides businesses with Real Time Update capability on Google Search, Google Maps, Facebook, Microsoft Bing and others.
As an Official Partner and having Direct Integration into the leading platforms, Konoom makes sure to deliver the up-to-date features available.

One Interface -
Create, Import and Synchronise

1. Keep the highest level of Data Consistency for all the locations and all the platforms.
2. Track Profile Entirety for each location and complete the missing fields easily.
3. Easily Import the existing locations from top directories like Google and Facebook.
4. Configure Location Groups and manage different types of locations or vast geograhies under different accounts if needed.
5. Use the Master Search for anything needed and navigate with one-click.
6. Best-in-Class Location Panel gives you the maximum usability to identify a certain location by search and sort features on multiple attributes.
Thrive in CX -
Unmatched Capabilities
Follow the Data Integrity between listings and understand what to correct or update. Be consistent and reliable across listings.
​Utilise Mass Update to save time during periodic operations without leaving the interface. Be fast during change times.